Резистор выводной CF-0,25 430R 5% (10 шт.)
Набор углеродистых резисторов типа CF.
Мощность 0,25Вт.
Сопротивление 430 Ом.
Точность 5%.
Кол-во 10шт.
( ! ) Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in /home/good/public_html/shop/wa-cache/3e205f/apps/shop/templates/compiled/shop_en_US/48/ec/d9/48ecd95cda9a9a312fa995039d36802c81c61ab1.file.product.html.php on line 199
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0003 363528 {main}( ) .../index.php:0
2 0.0089 378296 waSystem->dispatch( ) .../index.php:7
3 0.0102 444008 waDispatch->dispatch( ) .../waSystem.class.php:614
4 0.0102 444120 waDispatch->dispatchFrontend( $request_url = 'radiodetali-i-elementy/rezistory-vyvodnye/rezistor-vyvodnoi-cf-025-430r-5-10-sht--630/' ) .../waDispatch.class.php:34
5 0.0866 1524496 waFrontController->dispatch( ) .../waDispatch.class.php:385
6 0.0867 1524592 waFrontController->execute( $plugin = NULL, $module = 'frontend', $action = 'product', $default = ??? ) .../waFrontController.class.php:84
7 0.0874 1529056 shopFrontController->runController( $controller = class shopFrontendProductController { protected $layout = class shopFrontendLayout { protected $blocks = [...]; protected $template = NULL; protected $view = class waSmarty3View { ... }; protected $theme = NULL }; protected $blocks = [] }, $params = NULL ) .../waFrontController.class.php:193
8 0.0874 1529496 waFrontController->runController( $controller = class shopFrontendProductController { protected $layout = class shopFrontendLayout { protected $blocks = [...]; protected $template = NULL; protected $view = class waSmarty3View { ... }; protected $theme = NULL }; protected $blocks = [] }, $params = NULL ) .../shopFrontController.class.php:22
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13 0.1050 1833984 shopFrontendAction->display( $clear_assign = ??? ) .../waViewController.class.php:86
14 0.1082 1840584 waViewAction->display( $clear_assign = FALSE ) .../shopFrontend.action.php:173
15 0.1617 2738776 waSmarty3View->fetch( $template = 'file:product.html', $cache_id = NULL ) .../waViewAction.class.php:190
16 0.1618 2738816 Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch( $template = 'file:product.html', $cache_id = NULL, $compile_id = ???, $parent = ???, $display = ???, $merge_tpl_vars = ???, $no_output_filter = ??? ) .../waSmarty3View.class.php:144
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18 0.1810 3200952 sprintf( $format = 'Резистор выводной CF-0,25 430R 5% (10 шт.)' ) .../48ecd95cda9a9a312fa995039d36802c81c61ab1.file.product.html.php:199
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